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Golan, H., Levav, T., Mendelsohn, A., & Huleihel, M. (2004). Involvement of tumor necrosis factor alpha in hippocampal development and function. Cerebral Cortex 14, 97-105. [PDF]
Mendelsohn, A., Strous, R., Bleich, M., Assaf, Y., & Hendler, T. (2006). Regional Axonal Abnormalities in First Episode Schizophrenia: Evidence Based on High b-value Diffusion Weighted Imaging. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 146, 223-9. [PDF]
Siman-Tov, T., Mendelsohn, A., Schonberg, T., Avidan, G., Podlipsky, I., Pessoa, L., Gadoth, N., Ungerleider, L.G., & Hendler, T. (2007). Bihemispheric leftward bias in a visuospatial attention-related network. The Journal of Neuroscience 27, 11271-11278. [PDF]
Mendelsohn, A., Chalamish, Y., Solomonovich, A., & Dudai, Y. (2008). Mesmerizing memories: Brain substrates of episodic memory suppression in posthypnotic amnesia. Neuron 57, 159-170. [PDF]
Mendelsohn, A., Furman, O., Navon, I., & Dudai Y. (2009). Subjective vs. documented reality: A case study of long-term real-life autobiographical memory. Learning & Memory 16, 142-146. [PDF]
Siman-Tov, T., Pago, D., Gadoth, N., Schonberg, T., Mendelsohn, A., Perry, D., & Hendler, T. (2009). Mind your left: Spatial bias in subcortical fear processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21, 1782-1789. [PDF]
Mendelsohn, A., Furman, O., & Dudai Y. (2010). Signatures of memory: Brain coactivations during retrieval distinguish correct from incorrect memory. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 4, 1-12. [PDF]
Zaretzky, M., Mendelsohn, A., Mintz, M., & Hendler, T. (2010). In the eye of the beholder: Internally-driven uncertainty of danger circuits recruits the amygdala and dorso-medial prefrontal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22, 2263-2275. [PDF]
Furman, O., Mendelsohn, A., & Dudai, Y. (2012). The transformation of the engram: Time reduces retrieval-related brain activity but correlates it better with accuracy. Learning & Memory 19, 575-587. [PDF]
Collins, K.A., Mendelsohn, A., Cain, C.K., & Schiller, D. (2014). Taking action in the face of threat: neural synchronization predicts adaptive coping. The Journal of Neuroscience 34, 14733-14738. [PDF]
Mendelsohn, A., Pine, A., & Schiller, D. (2014). Between desires and actions: how motivationally salient cues invigorate motor imagery in the brain. Neuron 81, 207-217. [PDF]
Pine, A., Mendelsohn, A., & Dudai Y. (2014). Unconscious learning of likes and dislikes is persistent, resilient, and reconsolidates. Frontiers in Psychology. [PDF]
Tavares, R. M., Mendelsohn, A., Grossman, Y., Willimas, C. H., Shapiro, M., Trope, Y., & Schiller, D. (2015). A map for social navigation in the human brain. Neuron, 87, 231-243. [PDF]
Yacoby, A., Dudai, Y., & Mendelsohn, A. (2015). Metamemory ratings predict long-term changes in reactivated episodic memories. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9, 20. [PDF].
Zhang, Z., Mendelsohn, A., Manson, K. F., Schiller, D., & Levy, I. (2015). Dissociating Value Representation and Inhibition of Inappropriate Affective Response during Reversal Learning in the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex. eNeuro, 4;2(6). [PDF]
Gabay, Y., Shahbari-Khateb, E., & Mendelsohn, A. (2018). Feedback timing modulates probabilistic learning in adults with ADHD. Scientific Reports, 8:15524. [PDF]
Gilboa, A., Sheynbaum, R.S., & Mendelsohn, A. (2018). Autobiographical memory: from experiences to brain representation. Neuropsychologia 110:1-6. (Special Issue Editorial). [PDF]
Pine, A., Sadeh, N., Ben-Yakov, A., Dudai, Y*., & Mendelsohn, A.* (2018). Knowledge acquisition is governed by striatal prediction errors. Nature Communcations, 9:1673. [PDF] *Equal senior authors
Rotem-Turchinski, N., Ramaty, A., & Mendelsohn, A. (2018). The opportunity to choose enhances long-term episodic memory. Memory, 26:1-10. [PDF]
Shneyer, A., & Mendelsohn, A. (2018). Previously rewarding environments enhance incidental memory formation. Learning & Memory, 25:569-573 (Journal Cover) [PDF]
Shamay-Tsoory, S. G., & Mendelsohn, A. (2019). Real-life neuroscience: an ecological approach to brain and behavior research. Perspectives in Psychological Science, 14:841-859. [PDF]
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