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Dr. Assaf Kron - Publications

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Kron, A., Cohen, A., Benziman, H., & Ben-Shakhar, G. (2009). What is it that color determinants determine? The relation between the Rorschach inkblot method and cognitive object-recognition processes. Journal of Personality Assessment, 91(2), 137-142. [PDF]

Kron, A., Schul, Y., Cohen, A., & Hassin, R. R. (2010). Feelings don't come easy: studies on the effortful nature of feelings. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 139(3), 520-534. [PDF]

Kron, A., Goldstein, A., Lee, D. H. J., Gardhouse, K., & Anderson, A. K. (2013). How are you feeling? Revisiting the quantification of emotional qualia. Psychological science24(8), 1503-1511. [PDF]

Kron, A., Pilkiw, M., Goldstein, A., Lee, D. H., Gardhouse, K., & Anderson, A. K. (2014). Spending one’s time: The hedonic principle in ad libitum viewing of pictures. Emotion14(6), 1087-1101. [PDF]

Kron, A., Pilkiw, M., Banaei, J., Goldstein, A., & Anderson, A. K. (2015). Are valence and arousal separable in emotional experience? Emotion15(1), 35-44. [PDF]

 Itkes, O., Kimchi, R., Haj Ali, H., Shapiro., A., & Kron., A. (2017). Dissociating Affective and Semantic Valence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(7), 924 – 942. [PDF]

Olteanu, L., Golani, S., Eitam, B., & Kron, A. (2018). The effect of relevance appraisal on the emotional response. Emotion. Advance online publication. [PDF]

Itkes, O., Eviatar, Z., & Kron, A. (2019). Semantic and affective manifestations of ambi(valence). Cognition and Emotion, 1-14. [PDF]

Itkes, O. & Kron, A., (2019). Affective and semantic representations of valence: a conceptual framework. Emotion Review, 11(4), 283-293. [PDF]

Kron, A. (2019). Rethinking the principles of emotion taxonomy. Emotion Review, 1-8. [PDF]

Hamzani, O., Mazar, T., Petranker, R., Itkes, O., Kron, A. (2019). Semantic and affective representations of valence: prediction of autonomic and facial responses from feelings-focused and knowledge-focused self-reports. Emotion (In Press). [PDF]

Haj Ali, H., Anderson, K. A., Kron, A., Comparing three models of arousal in the human brain. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. (in press)


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